I rather think that the threads, notes and Chats are an attempt to be more like Facebook. Linked are veering in the same direction. I am really happy with the content posted on SubStack and I ignore all the threads, notes, chats. Life is too short.

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I haven't worked this out yet!

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Or... just do a regular post and make the subtitle, "Comments Requested," or similar.

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I spend far more time following comment threads and commenting on others' post and comments than I do "creating original content", because I value the interactivity of that process more, and it helps to keep my thoughts nuanced- otherwise I tend to bacome a 'stuck-record' of post-Keynesian diatribe. If my commentary becomes somewhat expansive, I tick the 'share to notes' box, and if it becomes very expansive, or a more complex train of thought emerges over time, I use that as a basis for a 'proper' post.

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Yes, seems like the ball is in your court to tailor who sees what info, and to protect your most precious content for paid up subscribers. I just looked it up.


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Not qualified!

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Yes please.

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