I recommend Yanis Varoufakis’ “Technofeudalism” which posits that after the Global Financisl Crisis, old style profit-driven capitalism was vanquished and supplanted by the rent-seeking group of ‘cloud capitalists’, the bunch of mega-rich billionaires who captured and privatised the internet.

Also, Steve Keen’s “the New Economics - A Manifesto” in which he demolishes neoliberal macroeconomic delusions and introduces his powerful modelling softwares Minsky and Ravel.

Watch out for his forthcoming book this year (not sure of title) about ‘rebuilding economics from the top down.

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Thank you again for such a wonderful newsletter.

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All of those books are excellent reads I'm sure. How About my book Wisdomics-Gracenomics which would transform the economy and money system with a new monetary paradigm of strategic gifting and simultaneously make participating in the economy at retail sale (which everyone does) an infrastructure for the greatest opportunity to self actualize the experience of gratitude since meditation and prayer.

Also, I'm considering writing a book entitled: Have You Really Seen That Door Before.

It would be about how, in way too many ways, we fall into the habit of abstracting away direct experience of the moment. This indirectness and hence the deprivation of the newness and nowness of our experience is probably the biggest reason for introversion and the negative psychological consequences thereof.

55 years ago I had a graveyard shift security job at a campground south of Amboy, Illinois. During one of those shifts I decided to make a hash mark on a piece of yellow lined paper for every separate thing I could see/experience in the 8 x 10 ft. guard shack I was sitting in. I stopped after I had made over 1700 marks. It became amazing to me how much I was missing and how joyous it was to simply see whatever was around me including an almost palpability of the space around me and also an increased reality of myself as a living self aware being.

All of our major wisdom traditions counsel us to "become as little children" (as in directly experiencing the moment without words or abstraction) or to "find enlightenment by sitting under the bohdi tree" which I take as focusing on the moment where the experience of god, who being omnipresent, most starkly exists.

Today we are correctly trying to solve the problem of Metabolic Inflexability which leads to so much illness and suffering. If we also dealt with our increasing Mental Inflexibility that inhibits our ability to experience the wonderfulness of the moment directly...just how much more joyousness, beauty, gratitude and general happiness could be the result?

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Thank you for sharing. So many interesting avenues - how did you find the time to read them?!

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