The ultimate democratization of money will be the strategic integration of the new paradigm of Monetary Gifting into the Debt Only based system via the three policies of:

1) a 50% Discount/Rebate policy at retail sale

2) a (approximately) $1000/mo. universal dividend for everyone 18 and older for life

3) a 25-50% Discount/Debt Jubilee at the point of loan signing

There of course is an entire regulatory and taxation program that logically and integratively attends these three primary policies.

Instead of always separately "horsing around" with palliative reforms all monetary and economic theorists need to look at the integrative beneficial effects of a true operant applied concept/entire pattern/paradigm change in money and economics.

“One can resist the invasion of armies; one cannot resist the invasion of ideas.” Victor Hugo

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Hi Ann and thank you for this smorgasbord today, especially the concluding wisdom.

Humane.Energy is working on a plan to spread something like the power station plan collaboratively across the UK, with the potential for a huge and positive impact on cities and communities across the four nations.

A new Westminster Forum, modelled on the previous successful one which nurtured the creation of the FCA innovation unit starting almost 10 years ago, but this time focussed on the future of energy (as well as current hardship and harm through energy poverty), will kick off this month in support.

Would like to invite your participation in this session or otherwise one later in the year?

Also share our plans and vision for decentralising energy production as well as some of the urgent work on abuse of smartmeters which using a previously unknown feature to evade regulations and is dipping into the pockets of the poorest.

Thanks again and looking forward to speaking


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Thanks Barry..This is an exciting project...But while I am keen to support, why not approach Hilary Powell and Dan Edelstyn? They know more about energy decentralisation than I do! Best wishes for the New Year...

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Thanks Ann,

I'm sending you, via email, our Humane Energy Interim Report (in draft) on the "Systemic abuse of smartmeters novel, remotely programmable, features which remain, as yet, unregulated is [which are being used to] systematically circumventing existing protections for vulnerable customers... [Currently] Resulting in needless fatalities, widespread suffering and harms to the physical and mental health of the most vulnerable.

I'd appreciate comments and suggestions as although this is a national scandal it's proving just about impossible to get he media interested in any story these days unless they're already on it - or know you.

I know Dan and Hilary fairly well and we get on well now. But this part is not really up their street.

So any contacts or suggestions would be much appreciated as I'm keen to get the named emergency measures in place pronto for what I suppose are obvious reasons.


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