Excellent. Could not agree more.

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For the last 50 years (at least) economists, journalists, and reporters have all been educated in an economic monoculture. Is it any wonder that none of them can think outside the box? Those not trapped in the current dystopian paradigm are rare. You are a gem, Ann.

Labour had no comeback to the vicious Tory criticisms following the 2010 election. I never understood why they failed to defend their economic program and let the Tories walk all over them.

Following Osborne & Co, the public now all think that the national finances are run like a chequebook and they won't stand for any other narrative. Being unable to beat the Tories, Labour have joined them.

Labour didn't win the last election, the Tories lost it. Labour's goal now appears to be to replace the Tories by *becoming them*. Labour are now a neoliberal party, pursuing a neoliberal economic agenda. The fact that it *won't work* doesn't seem to matter to Labour any more than it mattered to the Tories.

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Thank you Jayarava...Appreciate your comment.

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Well done, a perfectly crafted explanation and I hope that it is read by the growthesque people making the wrong decisions

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Are you sure you don’t mean most Keynesian economists rather than most post-Keynesians? It’s not been my experience that the latter are in thrall either to austerity nor growth at all costs in the way characteristic of the former.

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Almost everyone is acculturated to economic and monetary lies and/or is just confused about money. Virtually no one is aware of what the present monetary paradigm is (Debt Only) let alone what the new paradigm should be and even more importantly where and how to implement it into the economic system.

If one realizes the following preliminary facts the new paradigm could be a fact and people would wonder why we never changed the monetary paradigm a long time ago.

1) Banks and the government create money simply with accounting/equal debits and credits that sum to zero.

2) Paradigm changes always invert temporal universe reality. (The Copernican cosmological paradigm change was simply the inversion of the positions of the earth and the sun. The paradigm change from nomadic hunting and gathering was accomplished by homesteading, urbanization and agriculture)

3) The effects of very historical paradigm change have always been an aspect or aspects of the NATURAL PHILOSOPHICAL concept of grace.

There is an entire policy and regulatory program in my book because even paradigm changes need means of stabilization as humanity is not an entire rational or ethical species. However, the single policy of a 50% Discount/Rebate at retail sale (equal credit to consumer and debit back to merchant granting the discount) is a paradigm changing policy all by itself. It mathematically and temporally changes chronic inflation into beneficial deflation (inversion of temporal universe reality) The 50% Discount/Rebate policy is the very temporal universe monetary expression of the new paradigm which is Monetary Grace As In Gifting.

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